There is an idea that has slipped into the heart of man. It says that if you love anything other than God with all your heart, you're making an "idol" of that thing. There is so much wrong with that idea that I don't know where to begin. So often, people feel like they have to "give up" everything and crush every desire of their heart, counting all that they yearn for as rubbish, in order to follow Jesus and prioritize God. That idea couldn't be more false and harmful. I'd like to submit to you the idea that God is actually the one who put desires and yearnings in your heart to begin with, and He has no desire for you to throw them out the window. Prioritizing God does NOT mean minimizing or degrading your wants. You are not making idols out of your passions by valuing them! God created things in this life for you to ENJOY, and it's not selfish of you to embrace the beautiful pleasures He's given you. Because God loves you, He implanted des...
Reclaim the place of priority that relationship is providentially intended to hold in your life.