I've been wondering why today's society is seeing a decline in marriage numbers when compared to the past. According to Ohio State University Economist and Research Scientist, Jay L. Zagorsky, "Now only about two million marriages happen a year, a drop of almost half a million from their peak ." Despite the extreme poverty and financial hardship of the time, more people were getting married during the Great Depression than there are now. For me, that's a sobering realization. Think about it. Even though the ability to support a family is more manageable today than it was during the Great Depression, we're seeing fewer marriages today than we've seen in the last 150 years, including the years of WWI and WWII when most men were away fighting. (Jay L. Zagorsky). I used to think the economic infrastructure of society was solely responsible for the decline of marriages, but I was wrong. As is shown in Zagorsky's article, the cause of marital decline is ...
Reclaim the place of priority that relationship is providentially intended to hold in your life.