Today, I'd like to submit to you the controversial idea that the primary value of work is not the work in and of itself. The mindset you have towards the purpose of a work is really what determines the value of the work. In other words, the value of work is determined by the spirit you are partnering with in your labor. Far too often today, we determine the value of work based on, not only its genre or title, but also the passion with which it is carried out. We determine the worth of a given work in our lives based on the excellence we strive for in doing it. We say things like, "Any job is a God-job if you give it your all!" and, "All work is valuable if you're giving it your best!" and, "A job well-done is time well-spent!" While striving for excellence in your work can build your own personal character and grow your own personal success, that's not the primary factor which makes work valuable. Achievement is not the ultimate purpose...
Reclaim the place of priority that relationship is providentially intended to hold in your life.