Redeeming the Family Model and Strengthening Community Amidst a Pandemic of Loneliness and a Culture of Individualism: Part I
Created by Community for Community: “And so the beautiful truth is that since we were created by a community, we were created for community. If we are made in God’s image and God is a community, then that means we are rejecting our humanness when we live isolated and alone. That’s fundamental to what it means to be human. That is intimacy.” (It's Not What You Think: Why Christianity Is So Much More Than Going to Heaven When You Die, Bethke). We were created by Community for Community. It's what William Paul Young would refer to as "the Truth of our Being." When it comes right down to it, we, as humans, are innately designed with an inescapable need for community and relationship because we are made in the image of a God who is a Relationship. God is a great dance of relational exchange occurring between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ( ). The concept of the Triune God is widely enough adopted that few Christians would a...