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Cummunication: The importance of keeping an open channel.

Honest, open, considerate communication is one of the most important skills that we, as Children of God, need to practice. Jesus models it perfectly for us. We have a totally open channel with the Godhead that never gets shut off. There's never a time God won't receive your broadcast, because He knows that good communication = good connection, and good connection with his children is always at the center of His heart. If you've ever heard of Danny Silk (he's one of my favorite authors and speakers of all time), then you've heard of "Maintaining the Connection" and "Making Relationship the Priority." Relationship MUST be a priority for us because it's one of reasons we were created. We were designed to be in relationship with God and others. And that's why communication is so important! Because without communication, connection dies; without connection, relationship dies; and without relationship, we're missing the very thing we were created for.
Allow me to give an analogy.

We are telephone poles. Communication is our wire. Relationship is our electrical current. When there are no problems with the wire (the communication) between the poles, electricity (relationship) can flow and everything works great! The telephone poles do what they were designed to do and bring power to lots of people and each other. But if a tree falls on the wire between them, or the wire shorts out, the connection is interrupted and the electrical current cannot flow. All because the wire had a problem. In much the same way, if a tree falls on our communication, or it shorts out, relationship cannot flow in our lives. Shorted-out, poor, communication kills relationship.

A while ago, I read something that A.W. Tozer wrote. He was talking about how it was important to tell God when we're finding it easy to love Him, AND when we're finding it hard to love Him. At first, this opinion sort of shocked me. I thought we were supposed to stuff down our frustration with God and pretend it wasn't there, because clearly that emotion was wrong. But now, I've realized that God wants us to be totally open with him. Even when it means telling Him we're mad with Him. He wants us to share with Him ALL the feelings we have with Him. Frustration and joy. Why? Because that is how healing flows! That is open communication! If you want healing in your relationship with God or other people, try sharing with them what is going on inside you. If you're upset with someone, tell that person what is bothering you! And tell them in a CONSIDERATE and KIND way. Don't spew in a toxic way. Instead, just share your heart honestly and kindly and openly. Be considerate with them. If we choose not to openly communicate our frustration with others, that frustration builds within us and we eventually reach a breaking point, and that is when we become rude and hateful with the person we're having trouble with. We're not designed to harbor resentment. It's not good for us. Let it all out. It brings SO MUCH healing to you AND the other person. People are moved by kindness and honesty blended together, and that is what Open Communication is supposed to be.
