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21 Thought-provoking Questions for You to Ponder.

In this post I'm going to do something new. I had an idea to simply list tons of questions that can help us determine what we believe yes, but more importantly, WHY we believe it. There won't be any paragraphs in this post. It'll just be 21 questions that will hopefully tear down some tradition and cause your mind to stop and think about why you believe what you do. It is vitally important to know WHY you believe things, instead of just knowing WHAT you believe. It's also very important to question ideas and traditions that have been handed to you instead of blindly accepting them as Truth. God loves it when you question things, no matter how unorthodox it seems. So here we go! I hope these questions help you ask yourself WHY you believe what you do.

  • What do you believe worship is?
  • Do you believe God is always kind towards His children?
  • Do you believe you are under the ten commandments?
  • Do you believe Jesus' Blood has taken away the sin of the world, or do you believe sin is still alive?
  • If we believe the Church is the body of Christ and not an institution, why do we believe it is required to go to a church building 3 times a week? If we believe church is a verb and not a building, why must we meet in a building to have church?
  • Why do we give teenagers a hard time for doing something foolish and ignore that same foolishness in other age groups?
  • If you believe in homeschooling, WHY do you believe it is beneficial, and what is your goal in doing it?
  • If you believe in dating, WHY do you believe in dating?
  • If you believe in courtship, WHY do you believe in courtship?
  • Do you believe marriage is an institution/contract or a relationship?
  • What do you believe is the purpose of marriage?
  • Do you believe things simply because they were taught to you, or do you research ideas for yourself and think through what you believe and why you believe it?
  • Do you believe alcohol is immoral in and of itself, or is it just a substance that can be abused?
  • If we believe the whole law has passed away, why do we believe tattoos are immoral, but eating pork and lobster is OK?
  • Why do we believe it is wrong to charge people a fee for evangelism and prophetic ministry if we pay pastors an annual salary? Why do we charge people for one kind of spiritual ministry and not other kinds?
  • What is your big purpose(s) as a child of God? What are the desires of your heart that God has put in you? Are you allowing society to determine how you minister?
  • What consumes most of your time? Is it what is most important to you?
  • Do you believe it is OK to abandon relationships and say "It's just not working out", or do you believe it's important to work through the issues in relationship?
  • Are you giving your time and finances to things that you are not passionate about? If so, why?
  • Why do we believe tithe must go to the church instead of directly to hurting people?
  • Why do we elevate and value some ministries more than others? Why is pastoring more respected than making shoes for people? Why do we think doing mission work in Africa to hundreds of people is a "higher calling" than ministering one-on-one to an individual? Why do we believe that we have to minister in the traditional ways instead of ministering in the way our heart yearns for?
